Look at this stuff, and this receipt
"Proving" my time of sin-purging's complete
Wouldn't you think that my works
My works surpassed everything
Look at this trove - merits untold
How many more works can one ever hold
Moving around here, you'd think
Sure, it's got everything
I'm told "Buy it from priests, monks, a-waiting
With these useless fake pamphlets, and more!"
"You want ten years to pop? I've got twenty!"
But who cares when I'm still not assured
I wanna see what is scriptural
I wanna see where all this is basing
Not only by those (whadya call 'em) oh, creeds
Filled with our sins, the mark's way too far
God has required perfection 'gainst sin
Spiraling down a long (well, that's where we are in) streak
Not by our walk, nor by our run
By only grace through faith in the Son
His power to free, sins fully be pardoned, not purged
Would could I give that would exceed all that He suffered
What could I pay that sends away or quench His wrath
Why should we have a mass again, as if Your cross demands re-offered
What you did then was sufficient - helps me to stand
Be ready to go to the Father's Throne
Justification's a blood-stained answer
Once I'm covered all times I'm free from Hell's burn
Hebrews 10 verse 10, By blood
Once and for all You shed for us so
Our God will see sins fully be pardoned not purged
"Proving" my time of sin-purging's complete
Wouldn't you think that my works
My works surpassed everything
Look at this trove - merits untold
How many more works can one ever hold
Moving around here, you'd think
Sure, it's got everything
I'm told "Buy it from priests, monks, a-waiting
With these useless fake pamphlets, and more!"
"You want ten years to pop? I've got twenty!"
But who cares when I'm still not assured
I wanna see what is scriptural
I wanna see where all this is basing
Not only by those (whadya call 'em) oh, creeds
Filled with our sins, the mark's way too far
God has required perfection 'gainst sin
Spiraling down a long (well, that's where we are in) streak
Not by our walk, nor by our run
By only grace through faith in the Son
His power to free, sins fully be pardoned, not purged
Would could I give that would exceed all that He suffered
What could I pay that sends away or quench His wrath
Why should we have a mass again, as if Your cross demands re-offered
What you did then was sufficient - helps me to stand
Be ready to go to the Father's Throne
Justification's a blood-stained answer
Once I'm covered all times I'm free from Hell's burn
Hebrews 10 verse 10, By blood
Once and for all You shed for us so
Our God will see sins fully be pardoned not purged